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Rhonda Kelley

Let This Cancer Pass From Me

Before Jesus was crucified, He went to the Garden of Gethsemane to spend time with the Lord. Knowing His future, Jesus prayed, saying: ‘O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will’ ” (Matt. 26:39).

Three years ago after surgery to remove an enlarged salivary gland in my neck, I received the unwanted diagnosis of cancer (adenoid cystic carcinoma of the salivary gland). Thirty-three radiation treatments and 7 chemotherapy infusions later, I received the prayed for diagnosis of NED (no evidence of disease). Whew! What a journey!!

Because this type of cancer often occurs in the lungs, I have seen my oncologist and received a chest CT scan every three months since my diagnosis. Several scans ago, small nodules were identified in both of my lungs. So, for months, those nodules have been monitored and measured. In August 2022, the Tumor Board recommended that I have a robotic bronchoscope to perform a biopsy. On September 27, that outpatient procedure was completed. Three nodules in my left lung were sampled and sent to the lab. The initial results revealed that two of the nodules were malignant, but the carcinoma was poorly differentiated. The specimens were sent for further molecular testing to better understand the type of cancer and best treatment plan.

Last week, I had another chest CT scan and met with my oncologist in New Orleans to discuss the results and recommendations. While I do have adenoid cystic carcinoma in both of my lungs, the nodules are very small and slow growing. Therefore, the plan is to continue monitoring every 3 months and delay chemotherapy for now. PTL! Apparently, the chemo regimen for this type of cancer is very intense with short-term and long-term effects especially to the heart and kidneys. I met with an oncologist in Fairhope for a second opinion, and he agreed totally with the plan.

So, I find myself in a second cancer journey, trusting God but also praying this prayer of Jesus: “If it is possible, let this CANCER pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” I do dread the thought of more cancer treatment and its impact on me and my dear loved ones. I love my life and ministry, and I desire to keep on living and serving. But, I do trust God! He has been with me before to strengthen and heal me, and He will be with me again. So, I plead for healing and no significant growth of the lung nodules. But no matter what, I echo the words of Jesus: “Not my will but Yours!” God will see me THROUGH and will be glorified!

Please pray with me and for me. But, most importantly, trust God with your life too!!


Nov 20, 2022

Dear Dr Rhonda, Thank you for your steadfast, unwavering testimony of God's goodness that can be trusted even amidst the troubling news. May the joy of the Lord be your strength as you face this "second cancer journey". Here in Boston, we will be praying without ceasing for Adonai Rapha to restore you to health and provide all that you need. The battle belongs to the Lord & nothing is impossible with Him... Victory in Jesus!!! - Angela & David


Nov 19, 2022

My prayers are lifted for Divine healing. Please know you and Chuck are loved dearly by many Saint! I’m one of them. I, too am battling this horrible disease. Mine is prostate cancer. Had surgery for radical prostatectomy in June but the cancer had escaped the prostate so I still have cancer. Had a CT scan of my liver yesterday and awaiting result. Please pray for my healing as well! God bless and deliver you from cancer! - Marvin Rose


Nov 18, 2022

Prayers going up faithfully for you, dear friend. Trusting God!


Nov 16, 2022

Rhonda, I'm praying with you for healing. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are a blessing to everyone.


Nov 16, 2022

Thoughts and prayers daily. Asking our Lord for complete healing 🙏

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