The Bible clearly promises that believers will experience the blessings of God. But, have you ever thought that the blessings of God are not just given to you but given through you! You are blessed so that you can benefit from the gifts of God, but you are also blessed so that you can share those gifts with others. In Genesis 12:2, the Lord gives a promise to Abraham: “I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.” Like Abraham, you have been blessed by the Lord. You are blessed to be a blessing!!
Do you believe the truth of God’s promise? Are you sharing the blessings of God with others? You have been blessed with “every spiritual blessing” (Eph. 1:3). Some of those blessings given to you for personal enjoyment and through you to encourage others are recorded in Ephesians 1:13: “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.”
1. The blessing of truth. One of God’s greatest blessings is the word of truth. God Himself is truth, and His Word is truth. What a blessing in a time when people think they define truth and there is no absolute truth. Believers can be confident that every word of the Bible is true without any mixture of error. Paul reminded Timothy that he had learned the word of truth from his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice (2 Tim. 1:5). You possess the blessing of truth and must share it with others.
2. The blessing of the gospel. Another blessing from God is the gospel. Not only does the gospel of Jesus Christ save you and guarantee you eternal life with the Heavenly Father, but this good news must be shared with others. Lydia was a business woman in the first century who heard the gospel preached by the apostle Paul (Acts 16:14-15). She was saved and immediately shared the blessing of the gospel with those around her. Then, she and her household were baptized as a symbol of their newfound faith in Jesus. Your testimony of the gospel’s work in your life can be a witness to those around you.
3. The blessing of the Holy Spirit. This passage notes a final blessing, the blessing of “the Holy Spirit which is a seal of faith.” Throughout history, a seal has served as a symbol of ownership. So, the Holy Spirit is the seal or symbol of Christ’s possession of a believer’s life. The Woman at the Well was forgiven by Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit (“living water”) which she then shared with others (John 4:1-30). The Holy Spirit is a gift designed to work in you and through you, to bless you and bless others.
According to Jewish tradition, a pomegranate is a symbol of blessing…not just a single blessing to you, but like the many seeds inside the delicious fruit, many blessings to be shared with others. Take a few moments to reflect on your blessings from God. Among the many blessings of God are truth, the gospel, and the Holy Spirit. Don’t keep them to yourself! Remember: You were blessed to be a blessing!!