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  • Rhonda Kelley

Covid Came A Callin’

Positive. Both of our tests were positive. My husband and I were suddenly diagnosed with Covid-19. What a shock! I went to the doctor for my six-month cancer followups which were NED (no evidence of disease)…PTL! However, my chest CT revealed an infection. So immediately, Chuck and I were sent for Covid tests. We had both passed the temperature screening to enter the clinic, and we were asymptomatic except for fatigue and a little nasal congestion. But, to our surprise and despite all our precautions, Covid came a callin’! This unwanted guest forced its way into our lives.

It is now week two of our quarantine, and we are feeling better each day. Our fatigue increased and congestion continued, but neither of us developed any more serious symptoms. We are so very grateful! We have rested and taken medicines while staying at home. We certainly don’t want to share this virus or put others at risk. As with any trial in life, God has taught us some important lessons.

Do not fear. This pandemic has impacted millions around the world, and more than a million people have died. When your time of illness comes, trust God. Cling to the peace that only He can give you. My mother’s true peace and calmness while hospitalized with Covid earlier this year gave our family such hope.

Accept weakness. There comes a time to acknowledge that you are sick. Though hard to do, stop your life and take care of yourself. Understand your finite limitations and turn to His supernatural strength. He will literally help you walk and breathe and recover.

Avoid discouragement. Be determined to have joy even in your sickness. Don’t let discouragement or disappointment take over your thoughts. Practice the joy of the Lord even when you don’t really feel joyful.

Give in to fatigue.Sometimes your body is tired and you need to rest. Illness rarely fits in the daily schedule, but when you are bone tired, you must rest in the Lord and lie yourself down.

Understand confusion.When you are a healthy person, sickness is confusing. Accept your physical and mental frailties, and ask God to clarify your thoughts. Keep your mind focused on the Lord and His Word.

Push through pain.Though you don’t feel well, keep going. Sleep, eat, drink lots of water, walk around, go outside. Yes, take care of yourself, but also experience His healing touch of your body and mind.

Give God the glory. Acknowledge that your life is in God’s hands, and He will care for you. Give credit to Him for your healing and your hope.

The Twenty-Third Psalm has always been a comforting passage to me personally, but in these last days it has truly ministered to my spirit. “The Lord IS my Shepherd, I shall not want.” He cares for me and is absolutely all I need. “He makes me lie down,” even when life is busy and plans are scheduled. “He leads me beside still waters,” so I rest in Him and enjoy the beauty of His world. “He restores my soul,” and renews my faith in Him. “Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” as many have as they contracted this very serious virus. “I will fear no evil for You are with me!” God is with you. God is with me. He gives us confidence and peace even in our personal trials.

So, please know that we are praying for you! We pray that the Lord will protect you from contracting this vicious virus. But, if Covid comes a callin’, trust God! He will be with you, and He will see you through!


Nov 18, 2020

Amen! Exactly how to go forward in such a time as this. Thank you for your direction and we are praying for you both. 🙏❤️


mitzi woodson
mitzi woodson
Nov 18, 2020

Sister, Such great advice! You certainly have been in the "shadow of death" and you "fear no evil" because time and time again we have seen Him "restore my soul." And one day, we "will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." Thank you for being a faithful little lamb. Love and Joy, Mitzi.

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