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Speak a Good Word about Jesus

Rhonda Kelley

Aubry was baptized on Sunday, and I was reminded of God’s transforming work when we “speak a good word about Jesus”! Our family was having a wonderful seafood dinner in New Orleans the week before Easter two years ago. As we prepared to bless our food, my brother-in-law Steve asked the server if we could pray for her. She eagerly replied YES and remained with us while he prayed. She returned to our table often, and she seemed spiritually hungry. I had a brochure about the upcoming Easter service at our church and invited her to attend. My sister-in-law Eileen had a Bible in the car which she gave to Aubry.

Three seeds planted by Christians who were obedient to “speak a good about Jesus” were watered by the Holy Spirit and led to a conversion.

1. A prayer – The simple blessing of a meal introduced the topic of Jesus into the conversation. And, the Holy Spirit was already at work in the server’s life, opening her heart to the Gospel. In Romans 10:1, Paul reminds us to pray for the people around us as he prayed for Israel to be saved.

2. A pamphlet – The printed invitation from our church to attend a special Easter service was a tangible tool of the Gospel giving specific details to someone unchurched. The server and her mother came to church on Easter Sunday and were greeted by a few familiar faces who had given her a personal invitation. First Peter 3:15 says: “Always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the ‘hope that is in you.’”

3. A Bible – The Word of God began to speak into the life of the seeking server who continued to attend church and even attended a Sunday School class. Then the Bible study class ministered to her when she lost her teenage son in a tragic accident. True repentance resulted because “the law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul” (Psa. 19:7).

When believers overcame their fear and took small steps to witness, the Holy Spirit completed the work of redemption. No one had to repeat the entire Bible for memory or quote the Four Spiritual Laws completely. Instead, the small seeds of the Gospel planted naturally during the conversation over dinner resulted in a spiritual harvest.

Two years later, after much prayer, many deep conversations, and the continued work of the Holy Spirit, Aubry trusted Jesus as her personal Savior. She was baptized as a public demonstration of her new-found faith. We rejoice over her conversion which was the result of numerous Gospel seeds planted, months of work by the Holy Spirit, and tangible acts of ministry in times of need. Now we are joining her in praying for the salvation of her husband and three children. God is in the business of transforming lives, and He will work through you if you will be diligent to “speak a good word about Jesus.”

The Bible clearly commands believers to be witnesses. So, “speak a good word about Jesus,” and let God do the work of redemption!


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